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Hero / Blua / Symptom checker II
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Evaluate your symptoms

Where you can receive personalized guidance quickly and easily on any ailment.

Icono de AIDA


Through AIDA, our artificial intelligence-powered virtual medical assistant, you will receive personalized guidance quickly and easily at any time.​

Follow the steps below and you will receive a detailed report of your evaluation.

NOTE: This tool is not a substitute for a physician's diagnosis.

How can you access Symptom Checker?

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This functionality will be available in our My Bupa Latin America App soon.

Hombre mirando su celular Hombre mirando su celular
Monitor your health

Connect your health devices to our Bupa Latin America App and connect with the future of health.

Doctora atendiendo la consulta. Doctora atendiendo la consulta.
Video consultation

Same-day professional advice on minor ailments.

Hombre tomandose una selfie Hombre tomandose una selfie
Vital Signs

Measurement of heart rate or respiratory rate, stress level or blood pressure in just 30 seconds by taking a selfie video

Persona viendo en su móvil a su médico. Persona viendo en su móvil a su médico.
Health Programs

Counseling by a team of health professionals in nutrition, emotional health and chronic disease management programs through video consultations.